Tuesday, May 13, 2008


So much to write about, where do I start?
Iridium? MOMA? Or Stewart’s Macbeth?
(A Star Trek alumnus’ sanguinary death
˗ astonishing, how well he suited the part)
Maybe Iridium: old Jimmy Cobb,
seventy-nine, remarkable, black ‘Miles’ baseball cap
perched jauntily, battering that high hat
for five hours straight – hell of a job!

When I’m in America, I think of growing old,
Of all those tunes unplayed, stories left untold.
Tina Turner’s touring soon, so fine at sixty eight,
Like Nancy Pelosi, while MCain’s 71 out of the gate.
What will become of us? Don’t answer that!
Already too old, too grey, too forgetful, and too fat.

* Japanese for ‘dead person’ & by extension ‘Buddha’. Also a restaurant in New Brunswick NJ

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Boston the sonnet

Mission@bar+grill - ah, two Sam Adams!
Sharing the tenderlings off on the side
(Hoping for grilled but, natch, they're deep-fried)
Friday night, molto crescendo: Aida & Rhadames
Beckon, but me & Frank are heading out
To MOFA for just a bite or two to eat.
Chatting: academia & industry; quiet, discreet.
The discord more a whisper than a shout?

Harvard, the NEJM, all sacred sites
Wisdom & ritual, knowledge & pride
Spiritual leaders' earthly delights
- Nothing to live for, too much to hide...
The old schizophrenia festers apace:
Dump the arcana for a more human race.