Legless in Adelaide

Reviewers seem to rather dislike the arrival, half way through the story, of the frail but incisive Elizabeth C, eponymous author-heroine and Coetzee surrogate of his previous meandering, thought-provoking tale. But on the face of it, she seems to have just as much of a right to be pottering around the back streets of North Adelaide contemplating aspects of the novel as anyone else.
Buy this book now. Buy all his books. We paid a paltry forty five Australian dollars for the Adelaide-printed Knopf edition at the new Dymocks in World Square, and worth every penny. Or you could pay $39.95 at Gleebooks or $34.95 at Borders in Pitt St. Wandering away from native soil, you could pay A$29.53 for an identical version published by Secker & Warburg at Amazon UK or A$21.96 at Amazon US in a much handsomer rejacketed version from Viking due out on Sep 22.
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